Marketing Experts and Their Plans for Christmas 2020

December marks not only the end of the year but also the much-awaited holiday season. We are all high in spirits as we get to witness the gorgeous snow-clad views and the holiday decor on the streets. December marks the festive season, and we are all here for it. It is the time to spread some holiday cheer, sip on hot cocoa, and have fun with friends and family.

It is also the time to self reflect on the year that has gone by, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses, and formulate the new year resolutions. Like every year, the new year 2021 will be full of hopes and dreams for all.

However, since the year 2020 was mostly spent at home, and all festivities were indoors, the New Year and Christmas would be the same. Family time would be different but would still have the same sentiments. Don’t forget to schedule some fun zoom calls and online karaoke parties for Christmas so that you have something to look back to.

This is the time of the year for businesses to paint their websites red and offer some yummy holiday goodies. Brands offer Christmas bundles and come up with advertisements that are enough to melt our hearts. It is also right now when digital marketing experts are putting their best foot forward and blessing us with holiday campaigns.

There is chaos in offices right now, with deadlines approaching left, right, and center. But with all that is going on, most of the work is remote in 2020. This is why we reached out to some digital marketing experts and asked them what this Christmas would be like for them. However, just like they have a different approach to their marketing strategies, they have it for the Christmas plans.

Would they catch up on the upcoming projects and the new year campaigns or plan on spending some downtime with family? Let’s put on our holiday caps and see what these influencers have to say!

Our team and I decided to curate a blog asking our favorite marketers how they plan to spend their holidays.
Here’s what we asked them:

“How are you planning to spend the Christmas holiday this year? What has made it different from the previous ones?”

Let’s see what they have to say about Christmas 2020:

Andrew and Pete

Bio: international keynote speakers, authors and YouTubers, are the multi award winning fun business duo who help small business owners scale their business so they can stop swapping time for money.

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We firmly believe that if you feel good, then you Do good. So this holiday period we are taking time to relax and recharge. That’s when we come up with the best ideas. Usually, we work over the holidays and don’t take a break, so this will be great!

Mike Ambassador Bruny

Bio: Founder, No More Reasonable Doubt Coaching.

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This year, Christmas for me will be my wife, my 6yr old son, and myself at our home in Massachusetts. We plan on having our traditional wake-up and open gifts time and then a little hot chocolate and good food throughout the day.

A huge difference is that we will be connecting with my mom and two nephews on Zoom instead of them being here with us.

A bigger difference will be my sister not being there as she passed away earlier this year. She was the driver behind making sure we were all together at my place every Christmas. She was big on creating traditions, and no matter what happened, for at least the last 7yrs, my family from Brooklyn was with me in Massachusetts. My sister made sure of that.

So things will be different, and I’ll be sure to make space to accept those differences.

Ana Hoffman

Bio: Ana Hoffman is the big wig behind, SEO consultant at heart and traffic generation expert.

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Being stuck at home has its benefits. This year, for instance, my daughter Emma and I are chatting with Santa via Messenger Kids. And no, it’s not because she’s thrilled to have a direct line to the North Pole – Santa stopped coming down our chimney many Christmases ago. 🎅🍪🥛🛑😱🤪

At 13, Emma has finally come to a healthy conclusion that staying mad at covid, and shutdowns and the entire world won’t get her back to a ‘normal’ life any faster. So instead, she’s decided to put all that energy into starting her own online business. Woot, woot!

It was certainly a lot of fun watching her face light up when that burst of brilliance came to her… until she got stuck on ‘Now what?’ 😆😉
Since I am a very helpful and encouraging mom, I decided I’d start teaching her a thing or two about marketing. Naturally, I had to do it in a way that didn’t look like I was actually TEACHING her… ahhhhh, those magical years when we ‘knew it all’!
And that’s how the good ol’ Santa, once again, made a stop at our home this year, showing my 13-year-old how Messenger marketing was done right.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!’


The holiday season won’t last forever. Therefore, try focusing on spending some time with your friends and family, even online. Take advantage of its vibes and the opportunities that it has to offer. Read up and take inspiration from our list of influencers and their holiday plans as they offer some wisdom.

Remember to take out some time to let yourself grow and take downtime to allow your body to refuel. But don’t forget to think about what you want to achieve next year and how you plan on establishing yourself even more in 2021.

Let us know what your holiday plans are. Also, share some of your best holiday tips to relax and let your brain take some rest!
Merry Christmas and a happy holiday to you all!

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