
#ChampsTalk Highlights: Jason Bradwell on B2B Social Media Marketing Best Practices

It might come as a surprise to you but not many businesses are good at B2B marketing. In many cases, businesses do very good B2C marketing by reaching the target audience. However, when the businesses try to translate these B2C strategies to B2B campaigns, the results are not that impressive.

Here’s why:

B2B marketing is a totally different game with rules that are unique to the game. Social media campaigns in the B2B arena require a whole different set of collateral and messaging. Brand perception is different from the point of view of a consumer, a potential customer, and a business.

Planning and executing B2B social media marketing campaigns is a matter of understanding how brands see other brands and how businesses integrate other businesses and vendors into their business processes.

To understand B2B social media marketing campaigns and the resources required to execute these campaigns flawlessly, we invited Jason Bradwell, a seasoned B2B marketing expert who is well known for helping brands run B2B campings.

If you missed the session, here’s a rundown of the ideas and responses.

That was the end of that very informative session. We thanked Jason for taking out the time and his answers.

Now it is your turn.

Who would you like to see in the next #ChampsTalk session? Let us know in the comments below.

Picture of Syed Muneeb

Syed Muneeb

Syed Muneeb is part of #ChampFam as a Community Manager. He is a Digital Marketing expert and prefers to educate users in implementing and learning marketing tricks. When not working, he loves to play cricket or watch movies. Ping me at

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