
Svenja Sheds Light on Her Successful Journey as a Video Creator

The rise in video content is escalating, becoming popular for B2B and B2C marketers. Undoubtedly, video content is powerful for storytelling. It can significantly impact your successful promotional campaigns and content marketing efforts.

To prove the importance of video content in your marketing strategy, today, we got the opportunity to talk to Svenja Rossig, the CEO and founder of Svenistudios. She founded her company to help Saas companies and software startups get the most out of video marketing.

She is passionate about entrepreneurship and self-empowerment. We are glad to have Svenja with us. Let’s find out how Social Champ is helping her deliver desired results to her clients.

Here’s all she has to say!

Ashmal: Hi, Svenja thanks for joining us for our #ChampLifeSeries, starting with our first question. Please share your career highlights with our readers.

Svenja: Thank you for having me here; it’s a pleasure.

I started my entrepreneurial journey around 2 years ago, offering social media management services to clients in the online service industry. Shortly after, I met my then co-founder. Together with a developer, we created a SaaS named Voice, which allows anyone to easily embed voice notes on their website to increase accessibility and build trust with potential customers. For me, this was the first time ever stepping foot into the software industry and also a stepping stone towards my next venture, which I lead today, which is Svenistudios. We provide video production and marketing services to mainly tech companies (for now), ensuring everyone can hop on the video train and leverage video content to grow their business.

Ashmal: When did you discover the world of digital marketing, and what made you choose it as a career?

Svenja: I discovered digital marketing during high school when I started learning about dropshipping and affiliate marketing. I never did anything with it, but it indeed fascinated me.

Later on, when I started creating videos for my software, people kept approaching me and asking if I could make videos for them. It wasn’t until then that I had really and in-depth understood the potential of video marketing and creating content that people love.

After seeing our clients have incredible results through videos early on, I knew this was a field I wanted to tap into and make my career.

Ashmal: What were the challenges that you faced at the start of your journey, and how did you overcome them?

Svenja: I’m sure many founders and agency owners struggle with similar challenges. One of the biggest challenges – besides finding and sourcing the right talent – was overcoming my mental barriers. When getting started with doing stuff on your own, not having someone there who tells you what to do and when to do it can be scary. What helped me and continues to help me is asking people for mentorship, networking, and reaching out with the right questions. People are almost always happy to help, be nice, give back and be honest.

Another thing is that I had to learn to fail. Trial and error have proven itself to be one of the best methods to figure things out – but failure is inevitable, and becoming comfortable with that only comes with time.

The first failure, let’s say a failed project, an unhappy client, a tax mistake, feels horrible, and you’ll feel like the worst person ever. Keep telling yourself that failing is okay, don’t dwell on it, and instead move on and apply your learnings to the next situation. You can only learn if you’re willing to fail first.

Ashmal: You are the founder of Svenistudios. Can you let our audience know what it does and how it’s helping SaaS startups with scaling their businesses?

Svenja: Yeah sure!

So Svenistudios is a full-service video agency that specializes in helping Tech- and SaaS companies grow their business through the use of video content.

We turn your ideas into videos, which you can then distribute anywhere you’d like.

For example, A big portion of our clients needs product demo videos which they can put in the hero section of their landing page. Studies have shown that having a simple thing like a demo video at the top of your page can increase conversions by 80% – this is massive potential, which many companies sadly still miss out on, and we’re here to close that Gap.

Another big part of our business involves turning blog posts into videos. This is especially attractive because there is no need to come up with a whole script or video idea as the content is already there in the form of a blog. All we do is turn that into a video, which the client can now post on their YouTube channel and boost their organic SEO reach.

We also create engaging social media content, explainer videos, and all other sorts of videos that help SaaS businesses broaden their online presence and generate organic traffic more easily.

Also: having a dedicated video team take care of your video needs is much more scalable than hiring your own team in-house. That’s what makes it so effective.

Ashmal: You emphasize more on the video content; how is it more impactful than other forms of content?

Svenja: Video content is a powerhouse that’s up and coming. Studies have shown that video content performs 12x better than text and speech combined. Especially with our ever-decreasing attention span, video content is easier to digest and more memorable than text.

Another plus is that with video content, you can build trust and some level of community with your customers, as now they associate your company with a friendly face or a familiar voice. It’s easier to leave an impact that way – especially since website visitors spend around 260% more time on your website if it features videos.

Additionally, 70% of marketers call video content a conversion machine and an entirety of 94% of marketers state that the use of video content has helped them explain their product or service much better than just text.

With a rise in video-based social media platforms such as TikTok, video content has established itself as the go-to medium to communicate ideas, and visions and build a community – so the video is definitely the way to grow your business today.

Ashmal: What are different video content ideas that brands can use to generate more leads for their business?

Svenja: Any business, no matter what product or service they offer, can feature a demo video or welcome video at the top of its page to show people what they can expect from this business.

More ideas would be:

  1. Introduce new features as their own short videos – feature those on your website, blog, and social media.
  2. Build your help center using videos instead of text.
  3. Turn your existing blog posts into videos and embed them on your blog post directly or publish them on Youtube.
  4. Be present on social media and show how your product/service solves problems for its users.
  5. Introduce your team through a short video and post it on LinkedIn.
  6. Tease a new beat feature and encourage people to become beta testers.
  7. Add video pop-ups on key pages such as your pricing page to keep people from leaving the page.
  8. Post tips and tricks on your product/service on TikTok and IG reels.
  9. Do skits such as “expectation vs. reality” about something you offer.

There are so many more ideas, but you can always look at competitors also and see what they do with their video content. 🙂

Ashmal: What would be your advice for SaaS businesses that are recently starting their journey?

Svenja: Listen to customer feedback and go from there. Also: stop building features and do marketing instead!! Chances are, you’re going to get caught up in coming up with all those new, fancy features that nobody asked for when you should really market your existing features to attract new customers and increase your MRR.

Another massively underrated tip is to focus on your personal brand just as much and use your existing community to get early users and feedback.

Choose one channel and go heavy on that – after that, building up your SaaS will become much easier.

Ashmal: Who inspires you the most, both personally and professionally?

Svenja: Everyone who knows me knows that I am a huge fan of Gary Vee. He embodies everything I aspire to – kindness, gratitude, a giving manner, and a cut-throat business person while also being a public figure and entertainer. His motivational videos have helped me so much in the past, and they continue to help me on my way to becoming the person I am meant to be.

Ashmal: Stepping aside from work, how do you enjoy your free time, any particular activity that might fascinate our audience?

Svenja: Oooooh, this is a good question. Actually, there is something that many might not expect: I’m an excellent pasta chef. Pasta is my absolute comfort food. I deeply enjoy the arts and love going to exhibitions and museums, plus I’m a big fan of movie theaters. I also enjoy spending alone time, so if you see me strolling through the city by myself, sipping on English breakfast tea, know I’m not lonely; I’m recharging my social battery, haha.

Svenja Workspace

Ashmal: Time for our rapid-fire round!

Rapid Fire Round 

Ashmal Svenja
Your favorite social media platform? At the moment: Twitter.
Your favorite travel destination? Anything with big forests.
Tea or Coffee? Tea!
Playing games or watching a movie? Movies all the way.


Thank you, Svenja, for your valuable time. We at Social Champ look forward to serving you.

Picture of Ashmal Ur Rehman

Ashmal Ur Rehman

Ashmal is the Senior Community Manager at Social Champ. He loves helping out business owners, merchants, and developers in establishing and maintaining online businesses. In addition, he is often busy interacting with the social media community and figuring out integration tactics for emerging tech. When not working, you could find him playing COD & CS GO. Feel free to contact him at

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