Social Media Holiday Calendar – Fun Days To Celebrate In 2025!

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Technology has evolved so darn much that instead of actually celebrating a day in real life, the internet goes into an uproar to celebrate events virtually now! Let’s get to know about the social media holiday calendar & celebration days in detail.

2020 is almost at its end now and looking back, I see so many events that I had celebrated throughout the year on my social media platforms with the use of hashtags and puns and memes, and they turned out to be incredible marketing strategies too! Social media celebration days, are usually celebrated globally and are the best way to spread awareness of your product, your work, or just to let off a little steam, kick back and relax!

These days are perfect to create a buzz for your product or brand, and also, to appreciate a certain person in your life or at your office for their services, to make them feel special! From food to politics to animals and everything in between, there is a plethora of observance days worldwide and everything goes mainstream, during which marketers can share content relevant to their industries, get involved in a movement, or simply generate more awareness.

“They say that content is king because the content is how you are able to engage with new audiences and share information about your brand. However, spending time thinking up new and exciting ideas can be time-consuming.” –Twitter-SocialChamp

That’s why I’ve created this handy list of events that can be followed around the year. Some days might be subject to change according to the situations. Let’s dig in!

social media holiday calendar

January 2: #ScienceFictionDay
January 4: #NationalTriviaDay

You can make a video, asking your colleagues questions that may concern the simplest things of life, like the full forms of brands or things about your country, etc. 

January 5: #NationalBirdDay
January 8: #CleanOffYourDeskDay

Flaunt your organized desk with a slapped-on filter and the hashtag, challenge your mates to do so too!

January 11: #HumanTraffickingDay (Human Trafficking Awareness Day)
January 13: #NationalStickerDay

Style some stickers for your mates according to their personalities and post the pictures on social media platforms. 

January 15: #NationalHatDay
January 18: #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay

Send an appreciation card to your customers, and invite them to your office for a cup of tea! 

January 20: #CheeseLoversDay

Get pizzas or anything cheesy for lunch and post pictures!

January 21: #NationalHuggingDay
January 22: #CMGR (Community Manager Appreciation Day)

Make the community managers of the company feel special, little treats and a card will suffice! We, at Social Champ, will do so for Jibran Yousuf Khan and Saadiya Munir

January 24: #NationalComplimentDay
January 25: #OppositeDay

This can be annoying and fun on so many different levels!

January 28:  #PieDay

February - social media holiday calendar
February 2: #BubbleGumDay
February 4: #WorldCancerDay
February 5: #NationalWeatherpersonsDay
February 7: #SendACardToAFriendDay

Brands can send cards to their competitors and show them how working in the same field can be less intimidating!

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Too busy to put up all the posts individually? No problem! Use Social Champ to create, design, and schedule all the posts in advance and save time!

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February 8: #BoyScoutsDay
February 9: #NationalPizzaDay

The best way to advertise your pizzas! send your best sellers as a complement to the renowned organizations, explaining to them your initiative. You are very likely to score a few thank you tweets and Insta posts! 

February 10: #NationalUmbrellaDay
February 11: #InventorsDay
February 13: #WorldRadioDay
February 14: #ValentinesDay

A day full of flowers and candy and chocolates, an excellent way to promote your businesses with “buy-one-get-one-free” or” package-for-two” kind of deals.

February 15: #SinglesAwarenessDay

For all the forever alone-s out there, we totally feel you! The best way for the brands to come up with “deals for one – because we care” kind of business! 

February 16: #YearOfTheDog (Chinese New Year)
February 17: #RandomActsOfKindnessDay

Kindness goes a long way! Your brand can participate in little acts of kindness to promote and spread awareness of the concept of donation and goodwill!

February 18: #NationalBatteryDay
February 20: #LoveYourPetDay
February 21: #NationalMargaritaDay
February 28: #PinkShirtDay

Pink shirts with your brand logo, maybe?

march - social media holiday calendar
March 1: #PeanutButterLoversDay

PB n J! Best Combo! A perfect opportunity for the ones in the dessert industry to come up with interesting combos with peanut butter and advertising them!

March 2: #EmployeeAppreciationDay
March 3: #WorldWildlifeDay

An awesome way to spread awareness about wildlife and its extinction, and how concerned your brand is towards saving them or trying their best in doing so! Creates a good image of your brand!

March 4: #NationalGrammarDay #NationalPancakeDay
March 6: #DentistsDay
March 7: #NationalBeHeardDay

Encourage the audience to give their feedback on your products!

March 8: #BeBoldForChange (International Women’s Day)

Leverage the social media holiday calendar & Pay a tribute to all the women of the company! 

March 11: #DaylightSavings
March 12: #NationalNappingDay

This is one holiday that won’t wear you out with the celebration! 

March 14: #NationalPotatoChipDay
March 15: #WCRD2018 (World Consumer Rights Day)
March 18: #NationalAwkwardMomentsDay

One man’s misery is another man’s amusement, rightly said! Share a few awkward and mildly embarrassing moments to stay connected to your audience!

March 19: #NationalLetsLaughDay

Oh, how I celebrate this day, every day throughout the year! This is a good chance for brands to engage with their audience through puns and jokes and memes, preferably related to their products!

March 20: #WorldStorytellingDay

A good way to tell the story of the struggles your company has gone through to be at the stage it is today!

March 22: #WorldWaterDay
March 23: #NationalPuppyDay

This day is an excuse to use cute pictures and videos of puppies to increase engagement on your social media platforms. C’mon! Who can resist the adorable little creatures? So, don’t wait and use this social media holiday calendar in the best way!

april - social media holiday calendar
April 1: #AprilFools

Connecting to your audience by small video clips of harmless pranks can be one of the best social media celebration days on social media!

April 10: #NationalSiblingsDay
April 11: #NationalPetDay
April 22: #EarthDay2018
April 23: #WorldBookDay
April 26: #CountOnMe (Take Our Daughters & Sons To Work Day)
April 29: #InternationalDanceDay
April 30: #JazzDay

may - social media holiday calendar
May 4: #MayThe4thBeWithYou
May 6: #NoDietDay
May 11: #EatWhatYouWantDay
May 12: #NationalLimerickDay

Let the copywriter at your firm go crazy with words making the content humorous, hence getting the audience enticed! 

May 28: #NationalHamburgerDay
May 31: #WorldNoTobaccoDay

June 1: #NationalDonutDay
June 8: #BestFriendsDay
June 12: #SupermanDay

Ask your followers to share their favorite Superman (movie-comic) moments!

June 21: #NationalSelfieDay
June 28: #NationalHandshakeDay

Get your audience to record their secret handshakes with their friends, and the best one gets a product of your merchandise! 

July 6: #NationalFriedChickenDay
July 7: #WorldChocolateDay
July 13: #NationalFrenchFryDay
July 17: #WorldEmojiDay

Make campaigns using just emojis and ask your followers to guess what the message means!

July 21: #NationalJunkFoodDay
July 29: #NationalLipstickDay
July 30: #NationalCheesecakeDay

August 1: #StartupDay

Invite a few startups to your office and enlighten them on the do-s and don’t-s of the industry.

August 4: #ChocolateChipCookieDay
August 7: #PurpleHeartDay
August 9: #NationalBookLoversDay

Engage the followers by asking them their favorite books.

August 15: #NationalRelaxationDay

This is an amazing opportunity for the brands to introduce discounts and sales on their products to show the followers how they want them to relax!

August 24: #NationalWaffleDay
August 26: #NationalDogDay
August 28: #NationalBowTieDay

September 1: #WorldBeardDay
September 12: #NationalVideoGamesDay
September 25: #NationalComicBookDay

Dress your logo in the style of different comic heroes!

September 26: #NationalPancakeDay
September 29: #NationalCoffeeDay

October 4: #WorldAnimalDay

Post pictures of cute animals all day with the ^ hashtag? That sounds about right!

October 5: #DoSomethingNiceDay
October 6: #NationalNoodleDay

You can write the brand’s name or make the brand’s logo outta noodles! they’re very flexible, I’m sure it’s possible!

October 10: #WorldMentalHeathDay
October 14: #NationalDessertDay
October 15: #GlobalHandwashingDay

The best day to start a campaign on hygiene!

October 16: #BossDay

Let the world know how awesome your boss is. 

October 29:  #InternetDay
October 31: #Halloween

November 3: #NationalSandwichDay
November 7: #StressAwarenessDay

Spread awareness about the disadvantages of stress and explain to your audience how your product can ease their stress.

November 17: #InternationalStudentsDay
November 20: #EntrepreneursDay
November 21: #WorldHelloDay

Go live on all the social media platforms of your brand and say “Hello” to your followers!

November: #BlackFriday

The 4th Friday of November showcases Black Friday. A perfect way to advertise your brand through promotions and sales!

December 4: #NationalCookieDay

Showcase a baking contest between your colleagues or ask your audience to participate in the bake-off!

December 5:  #InternationalNinjaDayDecember 8: #PretendToBeATimeTravelerDay

Ask your followers if they could travel time, what would they do? Travel in the past or the future, etc. 

December 21: #CrosswordPuzzleDay

Indulge the audience with crossword puzzles that have clues related to your products and brand.

December 26: #ThankYouNoteDay

Thank your followers for being a part of your business journey and tell them how blessed you are to have them.

December 30: #NoInterruptionsDay

Ask your audience to write in comments the name of your brand, letter by letter in the comments without interruptions. The one who accomplishes the task wins a small gift hamper.

social media holiday calendar
The hashtag fun days mentioned above are good for organic reach on your social media platforms, some might not even be related to marketing but the engagement that you’ll get after posts that are relevant and therefore, are relatable by the audience will get you the reach that you long for!

Including these special days in your social media postings is a fun way to add some personality to your social media marketing, and gives you ideas for things to post when you just have no idea of what to post. So, put on your creativity hat, and let the creative juices flow in your posts and content! Celebrate almost every social media celebration day with this social media holiday calendar! Happy posting! <3

Picture of Zahra Farid

Zahra Farid

Humbled to say that I'm the most fun and lively character of our #ChampFam, designated as Senior Content Writer. I've five years of experience in content creation. Digital marketing enthusiast and horror movie addict. When not busy creating masterpieces with my words, I daydream about dragons, unicorns, and soup! You can ping me at

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