Social Media Tip 101: Ideal Length of A Blog Post!

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How long should be my tweet or blog post? Confused on how many hashtags would be perfect for the engagement on IG?
Not sure how many characters to include in the Facebook Ad headline? Are you worried about writing too much or too little on your daily posts on social media? or nervous about the length of your video? Wondering about the ideal length for social media post of your content?

As a social media marketer or content manager these are some of the questions one has to face on a daily basis. Let’s see how we can help you with this.

Post With the Ideal Length

With Social Champ’s customized content composer, you can post and schedule your content on multiple social networks with the ideal length.

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Digital marketers or social media enthusiasts should be welcoming more likes, reactions, comments, shares, & videos views whenever they get the chance. In this blog post, we will guide you a little bit about the ideal length of your post on social platforms. Let’s see how it goes!

If you’re wondering why it is important? Well, with an optimized content length the chances of engaging your audience & conversion are slightly high.

“No sentence can be effective if it contains facts alone. It must also contain emotion, image, logic, and promise.”- Eugene Schwartz,


Posting on Facebook means that you’re asking your audience’s attention while competing with thousands of other brands & companies. With such antagonistic competition against you, you need to make your content neither too short that it gets overlooked nor too long that it gets out of character limit.

Keeping in mind that your audience has a limited amount of attention & time for you, the secret is to keep your post concise & short. According to studies,

“Longer posts get cut off in a user’s feed which forces them to expand them the text if they want to read the full story. It’s more difficult than ever to get your audience’s attention on Facebook when they are being bombarded with news all the time. So, the easier it is for them to see your message, the stronger your chances of getting them to bite on your posts.”

According to MarketingProfs, organic posts that have 40 to 80 characters have more than 80% chances of engagement.

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“Twitteratis” have been more active since 2017, when the character limit was increased to 280 characters by Twitter giving them more room to share their thoughts. According to Buddy Media, “the ideal tweet is 71 to 100 characters long which receive more than 17% of engagement.” So yes again, the shorter the better. With the hashtag game, first of all, they don’t allow spaces, secondly, the hashtags with 6 characters or one word long are a better performer.

twitter-length ideal length of a blog post


LinkedIn is considered to be the oldest professional social network segment. Since this platform is not as visual as the others, the optimal length is of 25 words in a LinkedIn status update. An ideal length for a social media post or article on LinkedIn is around 500 – 1200 words.


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Instagram is considered to be the most favorite social media platform in today’s world. Most of us have never thought of a character limit when it comes to IG, but if you notice, many top brands keep their captions as short as possible. The ideal length for an IG post to maximizing engagement is 130-160 characters which means you still have a margin of one or two short sentences to deliver your message. Try everything you can, be as creative as you could to make your caption sound great.


For IG hashtags guide, we would recommend reading our blog: Take a Break with the Most Overused Instagram Captions.

The Real Question is,

How Long Should a Blog Post be?

The most discussed question among the content creators & from the SEO point of view is what can be the ideal length of a blog post? Honestly, your reader’s behavior will never remain consistent, it depends on certain factors like time, emotional state, interest levels, & insights.

If you know your target audience right, & have developed a connection with them, then the ideal read time can be from 3 to 7 minutes which means around 1500 to 2100 words. But this doesn’t mean that you should start torturing your audience by forcing the ideal post length.

There is no one-size-fits-all blog post length. Great posts perform well regardless of length, and bad posts certainly don’t get better when you stretch them out.

If you think the longer the content, the better is the result, then you should also consider the example of Seth Godin, who often writes short blog posts! You can follow his advice as he says

“Start small, start now. This is much better than, start big, start later. One advantage is that you don’t have to start perfectly. You can merely start.”

Wrap Up!

Know Your Limits.

Above discussed are some of the most used social media platforms, while a brief summary of ideal length for social media post:

The Optimal Length for

  1. Google+ Headline – 60 characters
  2. Google+ Content – 200-400 characters
  3. Domain Name – 8 characters
  4. Hashtag – 6 characters
  5. Email Subject line – 35 to 45 characters
  6. SEO title tag – 55 characters
  7. Meta Description – 160 characters
  8. Blog Headline – 6 words

To be sure about your social media engagement, post length is an important factor to think of. You can rule your social media world with an “Optimally Worded Social Media Post”. While scheduling your post with Social Champ, it reminders you of the character limit according to the platforms.

Read further on how scheduling with Social Champ can make your social management hassle-free in our previous blog: Scheduling is the Key, What Else Do You Need for a Perfect Social Media Automation.

Picture of Zahra Farid

Zahra Farid

Humbled to say that I'm the most fun and lively character of our #ChampFam, designated as Senior Content Writer. I've five years of experience in content creation. Digital marketing enthusiast and horror movie addict. When not busy creating masterpieces with my words, I daydream about dragons, unicorns, and soup! You can ping me at [email protected].

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