Follow Friday

[ faa-low frai-day ]

#FollowFriday, or #FF, is a weekly Twitter tradition highlighting the accounts people should follow. It’s a great way to find new, exciting people to follow and show appreciation for those you already follow. On Fridays, users recommend other Twitter accounts to follow by tweeting the hashtag #FollowFriday and the recommended user’s Twitter handle.

Although the origins of #FollowFriday are unknown, the trend has continued to grow in popularity and is now used by Twitter users worldwide. It’s a day to give shoutouts and show love to the people who make Twitter fun for you. This is done by tweeting the person’s Twitter handle and a brief reason why others should follow them.


People do this by tweeting the other user’s @username and hashtag #FollowFriday. For example, ‘Check out @socialchamp. They are great!’

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